Fox bitchslaps Watchmen back on track for March 6

Of course it was about the money. Warner Bros. is going to be a little sore on the back end, as Fox walks away from this hissy fit with somewhere in the neighborhood of $5-10 Million in cold hard cash, plus 5-8.5% of the gross — that’s right, GROSS — worldwide revenue the film rakes in. that Warner Bros. will retain full visual ownership of the picture, but after this little rape and pillaging effort, you can’t help but visualize Fox as the pimp smacking down its ‘ho at the end of the night. Ah, you gotta love Hollywood.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 MontgomeryQ on 01.16.09 at 3:32 pm

Can I get a hallelujah? Where’d you get those figures? That’s good news taht I’ve been waiting for for a loong time. I expressed my own frustrations here

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